Clip of the Day 11/15/2021
From the Los Angeles Herald, 1906:
"In presenting his 'Tales of Old Japan,' Mr. Milford said: 'The books which have been written of late years about Japan have either been compiled from official records or have contained the sketchy impressions of passing travelers. Of the inner life of the Japanese the world at large knows very little; their religion, their superstitions, their ways of thought, the hidden springs by which they move-- all these are as yet mysteries"
"What Mr. Milford writes about the superficial knowledge of the west about real Japan is much more true about real India. Real life in India is as invisible to the skipping globe trotter as even to the average long resident Anglo-Indian. Even the longest resident westerner is too busy making rupees, in having a grand time after the day's rupees are made, to have any opportunity or inclination to acquire knowledge as to how the natives of the soil, out of whom he makes the rupees live and think. On the other hand, it is the business of the Christian missionaries to misrepresent the 'heathen' who are the causes of their support: As to Mr. and Mrs. Fixit's case to reform other people's home before they reform their own."