Clip of the Day 3/24/2022
From the Detroit Evening Times, 1941
"'White Lama' Theos Bernard Testifies That He Can't Sit on Water, Float in Air or Support Himself on One Finger and That It's Not HIs Fault If His Pupul Went Crazy So Strangely Like Barbara Rutherford, Fashionable Disciple of 'Omnipotent Oom'" Bernard"
"Like many other wealthy and fashionable women, Mrs. Wilfrid J. Donovan, wife of a New York department store executive, became interested a few years ago in Yoga, the science of the East whose devotees are supposed to acquire supernatural powers largely by sitting in uncomfortable positions and staring at their stomachs. Today Mrs. Donovan is a mental patient in a private sanitarium. Her husband says that Yoga put her there and he is suing the man who instructed her in the subject, Theos Bernard, popularly known as the White Lama, and Mr. Bernard's Yogi demonstrator, a former dancer named Claire Lea Stuart, for $25,000 damages. Both the latter deny all responsibility for her condition"