Clip of the Day 4/8/2022
From the Seattle Star, 1913
"We bar the Japs the Chinese, and talk of the yellow peril, but there is no law to bar a hundred million of these Hindus, should they care to come to the Pacific coast. Over 200 came to Seattle yesterday on the Great Northern liner Minnesota"
"'There is no law barring Hindus,' said the commissioner of immigration, when asked what he would do with this nondescript crowd of Asiatics. 'Each one will be examined. No specific amount of money is necessary to secure admission to this country, but we take into consideration all conditions and what the applicant expects to do.'"
"'Ten years ago there were no Hindus on Pacific coast, except an occasional 'fakir,' or Hindu doctor. Today there are several thousand. It is a common sight to see six or a dozen of them trailing along the street. East Indian fashion."
"All of the objections raised against the Chinese and Japs pale into insignificance when compared with those against the East Indians. THEY BREED LIKE RATS, LIVE IN SQUALOR, AND DIE BY THE MILLION OF PLAGUE AN STARVATION. The East Indian has lived for so many centuries in poverty and oppression that he has reached a plane much lower than that of the Japanese. Grown men marry baby girls six and eight years old."