Clip of the Day 7/12/2022
From the San Francisco Call, 1904:
"'Unveiled Hinduism' was the subject of a spiritual address by the Rev. Jefferson E. Scott before the members of the Methodist Ministers' Association yesterday morning at Epworth Hall. Dr. Scott is the presiding elder of the Ajmere district, India, and his desire yesterday was to show the corruption of the Krishna cult. He condemned those of America who give it a serious thought. Dr. Scott said in part: 'Hinduism has deteriorated into the worship of many gods, and among these be mentioned Ram and Krishna. The latter was born in Muttra, a city situated on the Jumna River thirty miles above Agra. The modern form of Krishna worship is the most corrupt form of Hinduism. Krishna himself, had more than 16,000 wives. Many of the modern priests are looked upon as the incarnations of Krishna and are worshipped with licentious rites and the people, through the teachings of these priests, have become corrupt in thought and practice. In view of these facts, well known to any one who has lived in Muttra, it seems surprising that any one should endeavor to spread abroad as worthy of being accepted the doctrine and teachings of the Krishna cult as has been done by Mrs. Besant, Madame Blavatsky, Swami Vivekananda and others. Sensible people must know that a religion practically so corrupt as the Krishna cult is not worthy of credence by any people..."