Clip of the Day 8/3/2022
From the Morning News, 1896:
"Today the Hindoo servant is a lazy, good-for-nothing thief, and I will tell you how to handle him," said the general traffic manager of the Southern India Railway in his office at Madras, India to an Enquirer representative, who was in the orient several months ago..."
"Continuing, he said: 'I have seen a good deal of change in the country during my fifty years residence here, and one of the most remarkable changes has been in the treatment of servants."
"A few years ago in the good old days of the Madras presidency, if a servant disobeyed his master, he would have him strung up and whipped. If the whipping caused death, a fine of seven rupees ($1.75 in American money, according to present value) would have been imposed"
"If, however, the servant's master did not care to run the risk of having to pay the fine, which was considered a big sum for the life of a Hindoo in those days, all he had to do was to send the offending servant with a note to the police magistrate..."
"The only way that the Hindoo servants can be made to obey is to beat and kick them. You cannot show them kindness or they at once put you down as a softie. Take my advice, as long as you remain in India, and your servants are lax in their work, you just make them acquainted with the toe of your boot."